Jesus' prayer: “Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven!

Holy Scriptures:

The Old and New Testament are inspired by God for man and are the infallible rules of faith and behavior.

God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit

The only true God has revealed Himself as the only eternal Creator of heaven and earth and the redeemer of mankind, that is One God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


Man’s only hope for redemption is through the blood of Jesus the Messiah, God’s Son. Salvation is received through faith in the Saviour, Jesus the Messiah.

Walk in the Holy Spirit

A newborn person is not able to keep his relationship with God without living in the Spirit. That is why we believe in the work of the Holy Spirit through the Church and the individual, as the only way we can become more like Jesus.

The church and its mission

The church is the body of Jesus with a heavenly calling for mission. Its purpose is to proclaim the Good News, to worship and praise God and to encourage the believers to grow according to Jesus’ image.

Second coming of Jesus the Messiah

The blessed hope of the Church is the ascension and the return of Jesus to establish His Kingdom.


 Uncompromised dedication to these biblical truths has enabled the Church of Jesus to stand firm against the influences which have tried to turn it from its course. These doctrines form the lasting foundation on which we stand as individuals and as Jesus’ fellowship.